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Selectmen Minutes 02/03/05
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – February 3, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; George Rainier; Selectman; Conrad B. Dumas
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
5:58 - Police Chief, Brian Giammarino – Giammarino provided the Board of Selectmen with a draft sample policy he is proposing for all Greenfield police officers.  He will require all officers to pass a yearly physical test.  The test will be the same as the State Police Standards and Training requirements.  This would make our officers compliant with the State Police Standards and Training.  Brief discussion followed.  Selectmen will review this draft and discuss it with Chief Giammarino at a later date.
5:45 Meeting House Rental – Linda Magnusen is having a breast cancer walk recruiting day on February 19th.  She has reserved the Meeting House for that date, she requested the rental fee be waived? Discussion followed, she explained the walk, procedures, her reason requesting the rental fee be waived.
Motion by Selectman Brooks to waive the fee for the rental of the Meeting House for both February 19th & March 5th,.  This waiver is contingent upon police approval of a non-alcoholic event. If alcohol is to be present, the rental fee will be waived, the cost of a police officer is up to the police chief.
Seconded by Selectmen Dumas & Rainier…Voted: Yes, Yes, Yes.  Vote in the affirmative.
6:10 -  Department Heads – to discuss 2005 proposed budgets – Library Trustees were unable to be present, they did report this earlier to the central office.
Present was Parks & Recreation Director, Molly Anfuso; Police Chief Brian Giammarino; Recycling Supervisor, Frank Pelkey; Treasurer, Aaron Kullgren; Fire Chief, Loren White; Planning Board Chair, Robert Marshall; Conservation Commission Chair, Karen Day; Budget Committee Members: Linda Nickerson & Bruce Dodge.
Discussion followed; budgets were reviewed.  After review of all budgets, BudCom and Board of Selectmen discussed what the BudCom felt could be adjusted within the budget. Lengthy discussions continued.  
Budgets will be presented at the budget hearing as they were presented this evening. There were some minor changes.    

On – going matters:
Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update
Other Business:
Minutes -  Selectmen accepted the minutes of January 27, 2005 Selectmen’s Meeting as written
Selectmen Approval –
·       A/P Checks & Invoices
·       ConCom Appointments – Raymond Cilley; Neal Brown
·       Forestry Plan – William Brooks
Mail –  Review misc. incoming mail
Electrician – Mr. Pelkey brought it to the attention of the central office staff that an electrician should be hired to look at the street light outlet @ the Town Office walkway.  We have not budgeted for this, Administrative Assistant stated that if we do this, we need to budget for it.  There were no funds allocated for this.  Selectman Rainier stated that it could still be under warranty and that should be the first avenue to look into.
With no further business, Selectman Brooks adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm.
The next Selectmen’s Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 5:45 pm.  The meeting will adjourn at 6:30 pm, at which time the 2005 Proposed Budget Hearing will be held.